Instruments Positioning – bandage roll, tape Local anaesthesia – 5ml syringe, lidocaine 1%, alcohol wipe Aseptic technique – mask, sterile gloves, hat, gown, chlorhexidine prepping sponges x3, fenestrated drape, sterile swabs Arterial cannula – with needle+cannula or needle+guide-wire, (2ml syringe) Heparinised saline – 10-20 mls, in a syringe. Security – silk suture+straight needle, scissors, adhesive…
Category Archives: Skills
Procedure Before prep Ensure their chest and whole legs are shaved including the groin. Ensure patient is supine, and the pelvis and the shoulders are square from the end of the table. The urethral catheter is taken under the thighs and hung on the side. If the patient has an intra-aortic balloon pump, ensure it…
Instruments Scalpels with holders – sizes 11, 20 Swabs Forceps – toothed and non-toothed Needle-holder Diathermy – monopolar/bipolar, 8 Retractors – self-retaining (West), Langenbeck Sutures – absorbable 2-0, non-absorbable for skin Tape for securing tracheostomy tube Tracheostomy tube and connector Suction – Yankauer, Frazier Procedure Patient is supine with sandbags under shoulders to extend neck.…
Instruments Retractors – sternal, double hooks Diathermy – monopolar, setting 7 Swabs – large and small Suction – Yankauer Forceps – toothed, non-toothed Artery forceps – Kocher’s Wire-cutter Needle-holder – heavy for wires and wire-twisting, other for skin Sutures – steel wire for sternum, absorbable for skin Procedure Haemostasis in the pericardial cavity is achieved…
Instruments Marking pen Size 20 scalpel blade and holder Diathermy – monopolar, setting 7, ball and short spatula ends Forceps – non-toothed Swabs – large and small, large towels Sucker – Yankauer Sternal reciprocating saw Sternal retractor Bone wax Procedure Marking the midline. Find the sternal notch, angle of Louis and the xiphisternum and visualise…
Instruments Size 20 scalpel blade and holder Scissors – Mayo (curved and straight), Mcindoe Forceps – toothed, non-toothed Silk ties – 4-0, 2-0 Small artery forceps Swabs Ligaclip handle and clips – small (blue) Bipolar diathermy – setting 7 20ml syringe with cannula Heparinised blood 50 ml West self-retaining retractor for large subcutaneous layers Procedure Position…