Temperature control
Input: Peripherally, cutaneous cold receptors (unmyelinated C fibres, thinly-myelinated A-delta) – DRG – to posterolateral tract (Lissauer) for 1 or 2 segments up to 2nd order neurons –> 2ON decussate and travel up spinothalamic tract to ventral posterior lateral thalamus.
Processor: hypothalamus; Locus coeruleus, nuclear raphe magnus pons, pre-optic anterior hypothalamus
Output: sympathetic, endocrine, behavioural, extra-pyramidal
Ranges: Mean core 36.4 to 37.4, Mean core-periph gradient 2-4 for Ambient 20-22,
Measurements: Nasopharynx, Distal oesophagus, PA, Bladder, Rectum, Tympanic membrane
Thermistors, Infrared, Electrical
Response to hypothermia
earliest is vaso- but anaesthesia causes periph vasodilatation
vasoconstriction – alpha1 adrenergic receptors, arterioles
non-shivering thermogenesis – beta3 adrenergic receptors, brown fat, doubles thermogenesis in infants, not very much in adults
Neuro – amnesia, confusion, coma
Neuromuscular – shivering, ataxia, dysarthria, stiffening, rigor
CVS – tachy, vasocons, BP/CO increase, brady, SVR increase/CO decrease, J waves, QRS wide, ST/TWI, AV block, QT prolong, VF/asystole
Resp -tachy, left shift Hb, brady, bronchospasm, right shift
Metabolic – diuresis, reduced H/glucose reabsorption
GI – decrease drug metab, lactic acid, ileus, ulcer, hep dysfunction
Haem – viscosity/hct increase, coagulopathy/cascade/platelets
imm – infection, leuc deplete, neutrophil impaired,
Rewarming methods
Forced air rewarming – Bair Hugger
Fluid rewarming
Passive insulators
Effects of Anaesthesia
Redistribution due to vasodilatation from core to periphery; starting temp, core:periphery size ratio, obesity
Linear due to cold cleaning fluids, cool air flow, ambient temperature, radiation, conduction, convection, evaporation, respiratory, iv fluids
Plateau due to central thermoregulatory threshold triggering peripheral vasoconstriction. Impaired sympathetic (T2dM) means plateau not reached
RA – input reduced, output (motor, sympathetic) reduced