Abstract indexer


Posters and presentations are to be indexed the same way that articles are published.


This allows for access to abstracts, posters and presentations that are presented at meetings. Currently, only few meetings have their abstracts published, that too, only the abstract text.


Meetings will have a backend which does the following functions:

  1. Serve the presenter in: holding author information, submitting the abstract, upload files for posters and presentations (ppt, pdf, etc)
  2. Serve the organiser: review the abstracts, create meeting programme automatically from selected abstracts, display posters and presentations at chosen monitors.
  3. Serve the public: communicate with index server to upload all selected meeting abstracts

The meeting organiser will have the option to make available posters and presentation files to any of the following: subscribers, meeting attendees, all public.

The index server contains a database of meetings and presented abstracts, just as Pubmed contains journals and abstracts.


The software and backend for the meeting may be provided for a fee.

The index server will be run for free.

flow diagram